Whom Vishnu and Lakshmi were worshiped and whose mantras were chanted. This is natural, with this Saligram, pundits worship Satyaranyam at home and do Abhishek.
This Narayana Shaligram is natural Shaligram which is derived from the river of Nepal. Salagrama or Shaligram is a fossilized shell used in South Asia as an iconic symbol and reminder of the god Vishnu as the Universal Principle by Hindus of Vaishnavite and Smarthist sects. Shaligrams are usually collected from river-beds or banks such as the Gandaki River in Nepal. They are considered easy to carry and popular in certain traditions of Vaishnavism, as an aniconic representation of the divine.
Shaligram Size: 50 x 35 x 21 mm approx
Silver Tulsi Size: 40 x 15 x 15 mm
Silver Weight: 5.5 grams approx
Shaligram Weight: 55 grams approx
Total Weight: 90 grams approx
Quantity: 1 pc
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